Thursday, January 24, 2019

Viva Mexicana - Escape from Winter

(In keeping with the current spirit, Unedited... pardon any slip ups) 

The turquoise waters of the Caribbean,
The friendly coconut trees piercing the azure sky
Vainly sometimes trying to ward off an occasional sneak attack
Of billowing clouds and a musty smelling downpour
Never lingering long enough to deter the holidaying denizens

Moon Palace is the name of this singular establishment
That thrusts a pina colada in my face even at registration
Senor Ola, Ola Senor as the natives aim to please at every turn
Eager infusion of beaming anticipation in our party
Massages, Manicures, Pedicures and shrimp tacos

Spacious and immaculately appointed pool area
Beckons from the back patio of our 'garden suite'
The swim trunks and bikinis abound around the pool
The well-endowed flashing skin to impress, often successfully
The less well-endowed following suit, albeit an exercise in bravado

Relaxation is the name of the game in this shangri-la,
Me and A go around the ground with great abandon,
Crepes are dished out to us, chocolate and strawberry
We savor some and we waste some, all without a care
Ordering fancy lattes and éclairs, some to eat and some to hoard

At a distance of 40 yards from my suite, no greater than two cricket pitches' length
Was the shimmering sea in solemn grandeur
With a few sailboats, canoes and the board paddlers
To take mundane concerns and gently peel them off
Until that magic sense of equanimity descends

Where you feel one with nature, a wondrous childlike solitude in a green canoe
The afternoon sky is a blemish-less sapphire,
The sea like a pretty lady clad in an emerald dress inlaid with frothy white lace
The last stray thought that straggles, is my cellphone safe with teenage Tony in the canoe shack,
And a little touch of gratitude for the affable bearded Brazilian from Boston that clicked me

Evenings are equally languid with the descent of the setting sun
Making a Picasso out of the sky and the tropical foliage
Soothing shades of orange, yellow and red bathe the recliners on the beach
Occupied by bikinis and swim trunks that support the shapely and the shapeless
And a gentle breeze assuages the sun-kissed visage and weary legs of the four of us

The evening's entertainment is just outside the gates
Impostor or not, the great Michael Jackson gyrates and moon-walks
The kiddo is elated and makes a physical investment in impromptu dance moves
The popcorn and the churros come gratis by the subservient wait staff
Aiming to please, as they are eager to see these tourists return with fatter wallets

All the travails that were undertaken to make this sojourn happen are brushed aside
Expired passports renewed by mental contortions and divine intervention
Just this joyous milieu where everyone and every being seems happy and boisterous,
Even the braggadocios cats that lick off the room service plates outside closed doors,
Seem contented that the vagaries of life are in abeyance, and romance is in the air


  1. Enjoyed reading this, Mrigank! Looks like you had a great break!

  2. I draw inspiration from this.
    Poetry is verbal pottery; one creates the exquisite, maybe without rhyme, but always with reason.
