Thursday, January 29, 2015

DMS ’83 Batch mates’ poem

Memories, someone once said, were not unlike The Eagles’ Hotel California,
- “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”.
Many of us, the students from the class of 1983, left school that year (some continued into 11 and 12); but let us assure you as this song from the late ‘70s and the verses, we collectively put together, say, we just never left…
1.     Come on batch of ’83  
Let’s have a special Golden Jubilee
Write a line, put your thought  
Let’s make it fun and hot.
2.     'N while ur gonna have some fun,  
Make sure its sane, ol' chum.
3.     Merry band were we... of girls and boys,  
Who made a whole lot of noise...  
'Coz we knew we had what it took  
To be the best,
And the rest…
Simply had no choice.
4.     Let's not rest on our laurels of yore  
Let's come together to do an encore.
5.     ‘Cannot recall a time when expected
Not to put our nose to the grind
Yet in those dusty classrooms,
Camaraderie we still did find.
6.     The discovery of fire,
The fossilized remains of a human in Java,  
Adiabatic cooling, the cosine of degree
And from Vesuvius, the lava.
7.     Nothing but the units of work and energy,
The Muslim invasion,  
The carrot-shaped outline of a continent;
Yet to laugh was treason.
8.     The capitals of Europe, those of India,
The algae and the pteridophyte  
Hydrogen sulphide gas, the Indian Preamble, 
And the Refraction of Light.
9.     Imparted all of this and more,  
Some for knowledge, some for education  
And amid all this, masti and mischief and fun  
Became our un-copyrighted creation.
10.  The whirr of the electric saw,  the sparks in the Metal Room,  
The printing press and black ink,
Mineral resources on an outline map
Joules and Dynes,  and gases that make up the stink.
11.  In Civics we were told Man,
Other than being Political and Social,  was a Gregarious Animal  
Sounds of instruments and untrained voices from the Music Room  
Paint in the art room, et al.
12.  The click-clack in the Typing Room,
Kitchen smells from the Home-Science Lab,  
Colliding with the noxious fumes of Chlorine and H2S  
From the Chemistry Lab.
13.  It was not the era of fingerprints, but  
There were several left on our cheeks for sure,  
On the bench we stood, in the corridor too,
The hard concrete our knees did endure.
14.  Running up and down the stairs and hallway so forbidden
The Shakespearean tragedy with Calpurnia and the Roman countrymen
15.  Like many, the goddess of music and the god of wisdom
Were revered as well in our school
What was unique was we also paid obeisance
To the god of many a tool
16.  Saki and O’Henry, Ezekiel and Browning, Shakespeare and Tolstoy;
The analogy of a train with life, the muddle-headed man in Baku… Boy, oh, boy!
17.  The sounds of harried feet trying to make it
Seconds after the clang of the bell;
Every morning to the sounds of the National Anthem
And ‘Victory to India’, our chests did swell.
18.  The jingle-jangle of a million keys,
The leather chappal, the creased starch of white khadi,
Fear, awe and respect for this man,  
Who wanted to make us educationally hardy.
19.  Little did we know it then
Every Moment of School would seep so deep
And Bind Us Forever while letting us Free
Spread Across The Globe, shall we remain
The ‘Unprecedented’ Batch of DMS’83!
- Put together on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of DM School, Bhubaneswar, Dec 2014
Composed between Nov 4, 2014 and Dec 14, 2014
Conceived by:
Siddharth Shankar Padhi
Verse contributions:
Siddharth Shankar Padhi, Sandeep Dhawan,
Satyakam Patnaik, Biswaranjan Jena,
Rajesh Srivastava, Sipra Pati
Ideas and Inspiration:
Our teachers, our school, and all our batch mates
Also published in the DM School Golden Jubilee Souvenir, 2014
10.In Civics we were told Man,
Other than being Political and Social,
Was a Gregarious Animal
Sounds of instruments and untrained voices from the Music Room
And the paint in the room of The Samal (sic.)
11.The click-clack in the Typing Room,
Kitchen smells from the Home-Science Lab,
Colliding with the noxious fumes of Chlorine and H2S
From the Chemistry Lab.
12.It was not the era of fingerprints, but
There were several left on our cheeks for sure,
On the bench we stood, in the corridor too,
the hard concrete our knees did endure.
13.The Jingle-Jangle of a million keys,
The Leather Chappal. The Creased Starch
of white khadi,
Fear, awe and respect for this man
Who wanted to make us educationally hardy.

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