Friday, January 30, 2015

Memory shots

What is a memory shot?
It is a memory, doesn't matter whether it is the best or an average one, whose recall opens the floodgate into a past that triggers smiles, laughter, and sometimes, a silent tear, and of course, a wistfulness that brings by default to mind, Gulzar's Dil dhoondhta hai phir wahi fursat ke raat din...

One of my fond memories of school.....waiting for the second trip bus after school. Then have as many Karamanga. Had to bring the salt from home or ask the Kakudi wala during recess for some extra lanka/ luna mixture and save it for later.
- Neeta Mohanty Nayak
A cherished memory from schooldays - sneaking into the mango and tamarind orchards of the RCE campus during lunch break with Sailaja and Meeta to get raw green mangoes and raw tamarind pods before the gardener spotted us. We crawled through barbed wire fences, stood on each other's shoulders to reach the lofty branches. It's a wonder we never got hurt or our white shirts dirty.
- Sipra Pati
What was so unique to DM School was the celebration of Saraswati Puja, Ganesh Puja, and Biswakarma Puja. Going on the bus on an idol immersion trip was very special to me.
Another event that made me feel really proud - our Independence day parade : our NCC Cadets were the smartest and the best of the lot.

- Minakshi Mishra


  1. This is a hugely good idea. Everyone can put in sling shots of memory - does'nt take much to write down but adds to the collection of nostalgia. Is this close ended now or can it be perpetuated? Admin's attention please.

    1. It can still be edited. We need to play around with this to explore its scope. Do try.
