Thursday, November 12, 2015

We are one

Sankalpa Basu

There, I have your attention. What better way to start a post in a school blog. I have no reason to write about us in the singular as we are several, not very many maybe, but definitely more than one. We would like to believe that we are united, but I in my heart I know that we are merely a set of individuals who have passed through a time hole called DMS 83 and now yearn to go back through the same time hole, back to the future.

There, I think I have lost your attention already. But wait, I have something I wanted to tell you, I just couldn’t remember it in time. It is all coming back to me now. Yeah.. I wanted to share with you my obsession with fat.

I have been troubled with which I respectfully call as high BMI. I am not unique in having this trouble, it seems to be quite a popular concern, almost as serious as a bad MIL. A life time of indulgence has led me to accumulate. I have managed to turn some of the finest feasts into lipids. Poor me.

I envy those of you who don’t have my problem, but believe me the road to obesity was paved with delights, I have been singularly lucky to be born in this day and age, where people have a greater chance of dying from the effects of overeating than from the effects of starvation. I admit there are still an immense number of people dying from starvation, some of them in our own country, but there is a place and time for such serious discussions. Modern technology has allowed me to have ice-cream every day and not only when I could amass 50 paisa, I can have popcorn every time I watch a movie, that is, If I am not having nachos. I also keep some chocolates in my desk, just because I can.

We are not one, I am fat and you are thin, admit it gives you satisfaction to think how much slimmer you are than me, and you will have taken the first step towards honesty. And honesty my friends is the best policy.   


  1. You are fat, I am thin
    You like sweets, I like malt
    But the common string is Lipids
    Jai Atorvastatin

  2. It is sloth that slays slowly. Fat is only a state. Continue to rejoice O Wise One!

  3. It is sloth that slays slowly. Fat is only a state. Continue to rejoice O Wise One!

  4. Point to note is: For a 'fat' man, there is someone fatter, and for a 'thin' man there is someone thinner. The Theory of relativity is constant.

  5. nice one - i never even visited this blog

  6. nice one - i never even visited this blog

  7. Life style and processed food my friend....
