Saturday, July 30, 2016


Santanu Sahu

I take opportunity to use this platform to share my tryst with S. Devi Madam. I recollect the incident of Class-VIII when we appeared the half-yearly in RCE premises but result sheets were shown in the School premises. Some of you might recollect we were allotted a room in the middle portion probably over Biology Lab.

Madam distributed the Exam sheets. Everybody was busy going through the results with mutual discussion in a loud voice. My score was 61. But in one question relating to samasa conflict arise on the right answer. The question was what is the samasa for Bhimakanta. Many wrote Bhima O Kanta i.e., Dwanda Samasa. But Madam finally announced it is Je Bhima se Kanta i.e., Karmadharaya Samasa.

The interesting part I remember was that, I got marks for my wrong answer. But Nanu saw that. He did not get marks for writing the same answer. He promptly complained to madam. Madam immediately shouted, where is that answer. Of course Nanu kept quiet without further uttering my name or pointing at me. But Madam again searched that paper. I gave up after some more shouts. She promptly reduced one mark. That was the end of one part. What was still interesting is, with a gloomy face I went through my sheets. After adding up, it came 60.5. Immediately, I rushed to Madam for correction of my total. She looked at me and uttered, “are ebe mark katithili na” and gave a smile. I do not exactly remember if the mark was revised, but I still remember that moment of reconciliation between Madam and me.

Let her soul rest in peace.

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