Friday, October 4, 2019

I bid adieu my old friend

Mrigank Das

I bid adieu my old friend
For a decade we have fought in the trenches,
My silent and imperceptible tears only you witnessed
Even when the clouds were scurried away by the radiance of the Sun
And you witnessed me rise again like a Phoenix brushing through the Amazon of life's travails
You were always the Sancho Panza to my Don Quixote
Gently tapping the Ford Explorer from the back and avoiding the voyeurs at the Insurance firm from fleecing us
Or fighting valiantly to lose your alternator and your battery only a few furlongs from home and fortuitously in front of kind neighbors
You witnessed my valleys and my peaks, of ebullience and despondence
Loyalty and love always ubiquitous as there is some Spirit in Matter
I have a journey still in progress my friend and I must send you to the comfort of retirement under the Texas Sun,
As your bones are creaking and arthritic and I can't see you capitulating on the war front
Farewell my friend and my decade long road companion, we shared lots of precious moments
May you enjoy your golden years as you drive away into the Houston sunset!! 🖐🤗