Friday, October 4, 2019

Rain, steady rain

Sid Padhi

Rain, steady rain.
Incessant and insistent,
Consistent and persistent,
Drenching, forbidding rain.

I have an errand to run.
Run it I must,
At any cost,
Groaning or in pun.

it's been a long, long time.
Getting drenched,
Soaking wet, 
(All deliberate),
The memory bells, they chime.

So, tonight it must be.
To relie that memory,
To recreate that story,
To honour Duty while playing hooky,
And enjoy sharing the story.


  1. Baarishon ke mausamon mein..
    We must have people narrate rain stories from those yonder years! What say?

  2. Reminds of the sweet smell of my hometown rain, which for some reason lingers more than from any other soil the world over.
