Sunday, February 16, 2020

Movie Endings: Die Another Day

At the tail end of  Feb 14 around 9pm-ish,  which also happened to be Valentine's day 2020,  I was having a craving for a movie as I had adequately met or maybe exceeded the male passing grades that the day demanded :) …so I flicked around on Amazon Prime and came upon a curiously titled 'Satyameva Jayate' with a release date in August 2018; I don't watch Bolly movies often, so many pass by without a second glance but this one looked OK and not dated too much - a year and a half.  After dancing my remote around a few more movies I decided that none of the other ones quite piqued my interest and so settled on the aforementioned movie, as I like the lead actor.  

My intention here is not to dwell much on the gist of the movie, except that it had only a slender and barely perceptible nexus to the significance of the day at hand.  To give context to those who might have also missed out on this motion picture,  it suffices to say that in between the usual Bolly melodramatic scenes it does a decent job of showing a vigilante who goes after corrupt and predatory cops and usually finishes them off in an incandescent fashion to save them on cremation costs.  That too only after bashing them to pulp to exact some retribution for the reprehensible acts they committed -- so I guess it saves the family both cremation costs and the abhorrent fees of a plastic surgeon to bring them back to normal from vaguely looking like the Phantom of the Opera or other scary Halloween characters, once the punitive measures had been taken. The lot he picks on are hardly worthy of empathy; the heartless jerk cops who use their uniform to skim money by preying on the weak and the poor;  and some even abusing and assaulting women.  The lead character has an extra bonus thrown in for the head detective in charge of outing him: he is also trying to play a Sunday newspaper back-page word game by picking the scumbags whose first initial match those of the letters of the incantation 'Satyameva Jayate' that was adopted by a fledgling nation in 1947 as its imprimatur 'truth alone is victorious' or a close resemblance to that. The one little gem that only Bollywood could have dreamed about:  the older brother of the protagonist (played by John Abraham) is the IPS cop given the unenviable task to bring him to justice (Manoj Bajpayee). All this is moot if you have seen the movie, so let's get on with the point, although I will have to describe the final scene as briefly as I can as it has everything to do with why I wrote this piece in the first place. 

 In the final scene, the vigilante is shot in the back by his older brother cop in a tear jerking moment. The older bro does it with great trepidation and moral dilemma as the delectable villain who was being taken down in the final scene is a pastel faced scoundrel who years earlier had framed their dad (also a cop) as being corrupt by planting drugs and money in his house.  This led to the honest cop's utter humiliation and he took his own life which scarred both brothers but in different ways; the younger believed in his father and the older one felt tainted; usual Bolly script lego building blocks!!   This villain was also the older brother's reporting IPS officer but his dark and perfidious deeds were only exposed in the final scene, which predictably caused a on-the-spot change of heart towards his dad for the elder bro. In any case even after our hero is shot in the back, he manages to burn alive the IPS officer who had caused the devastation to their family; because the preparatory marinating of the villain had already been done by virtue of a gallon of kerosene being doused upon him and all that remained was flicking a lighted match towards him, which our hero managed even after taking a bullet. For both of us watching, the movie did do a good job of holding our interest.. and now comes the real crux. 

Once the lead got shot in the back by his bro, my wife and I felt a little rummy that such a folk hero who was part Robin Hood, part Incredible Hulk, and part Cupid and who had dispensed such gratifying frontier justice wouldn't survive in the end.  He would not get united with his love interest who also happened to be the kiddo of the dirty IPS officer. So instead of watching the bitter end I paused the TV set four minutes from the end while the mournful soliloquy of the older brother holding his sibling in his arms was still in midstream.  I didn't want to see the inevitable finale as I am a little bit of a softy when it comes to seeing the hero bite the dust. Just as we were lamenting the ending, my wife mentioned that I should take the help of Google to decide whether we should see the last four minutes. That was a brilliant idea. Maybe he survived!!  So I hurriedly fished out my phone and typed in the magic search words. I was crestfallen as the first search result said Veer Rathod  (John Abraham's character) dies in the climax. Not a happy ending to Valentine's day. But then… wait a minute. As my eyes glanced over the other search results, I spied a 'Satyameva Jayate 2'!!!!!  WHOA.. Wait a minute.  Does a box office hit and dollar signs breathe life into a sequel? … and inject some bonhomie into the two of us????

 My emotions perked up as a few more clicks proved that indeed a movie sequel has the wherewithal to revive a character who had taken a bullet in his back from his own brother!!!  . True to form, Satyameva Jayate 2 had a release date of Gandhi Jayanti Oct 2, 2020; apparently the director has divined that people can duly honor the Father of the Nation by watching a flick where the main character beats the brains out of a select few from the miasma of corrupt bureaucrats and then wraps up a job well done with a gratuitous cremation. This lead to a volte-face of our mood into one bordering elation and some keen speculation as to how the Director/Screenwriter would resurrect John Abraham's character literally on the verge of taking his last breath (at least when we suspended our viewing) at the beginning of SJ 2…various possibilities entered our suddenly rejuvenated and adrenaline filled brains, and we decided to skip the last portion because we know he convalesces from this little ordeal of the bullet in his back!! All's well that ends well.  Maybe we all have to wait till October 2020 to find out the Director has in store for us, but HAPPY ENDING thanks to Google!!  

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