Friday, April 3, 2020


Sipra Pati

Across the room my eyes go
A vacuum it sums up
Wordless, yet voluminous
Bodies thronging
Isolated isotopes
A wandering minstrel they sight
Cacophony ensues
The vacuum widens
I will my vacuum self
To let go
Of the strings tethering me to myself
Of the strings that keep me away
Every time I opine
Every time I protest
Everything I question
Every time I discern
My strings anchor to myself
My strings, strained, stressed and weary they may be
They will let me buckle not
I am me, they remind me
The vacuum is not within


  1. Hmm.. quite interesting. "I am me they remind me" is the anchor. The last line is powerful: the vacuum is not within. The Watering Hole can really be quenching when our throats go dry...

    1. The Watering Hole awaits, Rajesh - your time to throw quenching resolutions out!

  2. My comment on this is on FB DMS'83
