Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Slice of Life, COVID Times - #001

Sid Padhi

Sorry, didn't call back.

Mom's fridge developed a fever in the lower compartment, yesterday.  I had made a provisional diagnosis of ice in the windpipes and left it off the electric supply to self repair. But, she put it back on and the problem persisted.

Post lunch, we had a masked technician from Reeta's hospital (he has a pass) to have a look. That's why I forgot to call back.

Story continues:

Guy starts pulling apart the innards and I can see he's on the wrong track. He talks about replacing this and that. I say, ice-chamber works, chiller tray downward doesn't - isn't it a case of ice in the 'windpipes'?

He says, "maybe". I suggest pouring in some hot water and he disagrees. Says it could fry the electronics. Made sense to me.

Since there was nothing else he could do, I pack him off with two hundred bucks. He's happy to vamoose; but the fridge remains, status quo.

Then I apply some Dhenkanalia buddhi. If it's about de-congesting the pipes of ice how about hot air?

Got myself a hair dryer. Half an hour of blowing hot air into the vents; and the machine is now a cool dude, right down to the vegetable tray at the bottom.

Proper diagnosis is important, improvisation helps.

Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID Thoughts

Dr. Sid Padhi

:-)  Workplace becomes War-Zone and Home becomes Safe Haven. But, the cliched Mian-Biwi- nok- jhok jokes have strangely gone underground. Sudden bon'homie'? Did COVID do the trick? Or, was it just an overrated, overdone concept?

:-)  "Man is a Social Animal". A past concept that we studied, sometimes for marks in exams. Forget the gender bias, we will never be the same again. Not for a long, long time. And by then, we would be used to the New Rules of Society. As for those who challenge me, they will reinvent the meaning of "Social" to fit their argument.

:,-)  Accept it as a first from me. COVID is now a Verb. "Stay away. You may Covid me" or.. "He was Covided during transit" or.. "All rescuees from China were isolated to keep them from Coviding others"

:-D  Driving is now so much relaxing. The roads have suddenly become broader and the car seems slow at 60kmph. And there are checkposts where you are ushered through with the power of the stethoscope and a 'cross' on the windshield that has nothing to do with religion.

:-P.  Some, hitherto chronic patients of cough, cold and 'yesnophilia' have miraculously recovered from their perpetual symptoms. They are all responsibly housebound and apparently doing well. No news is good news.

,:-|    Summer is here. People are feeling the Corona Heat, though. And, for once, people aren't complaining. In fact, some hope for a bad summer to tide them over this crisis. Quite a change in perception, one would say.

B-)  Evenings are now reminiscent of childhood - cool breeze and more birds than humans returning to their nests.

:-\    Discussion on social media is almost impossible to follow. There is so much - material and immaterial - that the only way of making sense of it all is to execute a summary delete. End of discussion, and better to stay off them on Whatsapp!

}:‑)  Doctors were being bashed up all over the country for being inhuman until a month back. They were scoundrels and scallywags after the patients blood, life and money, so we were told. Not anymore. Now they are heroes, saints and demi-gods. Every dog has its day.

:-P  Nose-pickers are an extinct lot. Nit-pickers are no longer public. Rag-pickers are occasional. Even the Opposition has not found much to pick on.

:-P  Policemen are into experimental mode and having the time of their life. From bum-bashing loiterers to bum-swishing to music in public, they are the upholders of the discipline that we otherwise lack. They are the 'anti-socials' who ensure social distancing. They are the real Socialists.

Friday, April 3, 2020


Sipra Pati

Across the room my eyes go
A vacuum it sums up
Wordless, yet voluminous
Bodies thronging
Isolated isotopes
A wandering minstrel they sight
Cacophony ensues
The vacuum widens
I will my vacuum self
To let go
Of the strings tethering me to myself
Of the strings that keep me away
Every time I opine
Every time I protest
Everything I question
Every time I discern
My strings anchor to myself
My strings, strained, stressed and weary they may be
They will let me buckle not
I am me, they remind me
The vacuum is not within