Monday, February 2, 2015

My journey to DMS - Sandeep Dhawan

How I joined DMS? Most of you have written very well about the school, teachers n batch mates. I will write about my journey to DMS. My father along with his two elder brothers lived in a joint family those days and we were 9 brothers n sisters(5+4) living under the same roof. We all went to St. Joseph's. After 4 years there I along with my cousin Sanjay(also DMS) were sent to Stewart. Somewhere our parents came to know that DMS is a great school that offers a lot of activitie...s besides academics (Debjit's some useful periods wasted). They also came to know that one has to go thru the process of entrance exams to get an admission. My mother n aunt found out that Ms. Benson was a great teacher n that year we missed our annual trip to Delhi instead we spent our summer vacations taking classes from Ms. Benson. Now missing your annual trip visiting cousins was bad enough for 10-11 years old. To top it all we had to study in the summer hols under the strict vigilance of Ms. Benson n she used to give us loads of homework. I n Sanjay couldn't protest to our parents but we would talk to each other n crib. Why are our parents behaving as if they are doing a transferable job smile emoticon ? Why they sent us to St. Joseph's when they knew fully well that after std.3 we will have to change schools? Don't they want us to make permanent friends..etc.

Anyway the efforts of Ms.Benson paid off n here we were in DMS. The facilities here were beyond comparison compared to our previous schools n I made friends for life....Cheers to all my friends.

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