Monday, February 2, 2015

Reasons and reasonings for ending up at DM School - Siddharth Padhi

I present you my own reasons and reasonings for ending up at DM School.
Why DMS? My recollections.

Spring, 1977-
A new academic session has just started at Stewart School and I've been promoted to Std V. I joined the school a year back after having been graciously ejected from St Joseph's Convent purely on the grounds of gender bias. Now, standing at the entrance to the school, at the beginning of another endless day, I look around me with a different perspective. If I leave this school behind, how much do I miss?

Apparently, my parents have decided that I needed to change school again. I've heard strands of muted conversation between them and my peer group is suspect. "...a little beyond their age and financial means...", "...bad influence on him (me)...", that sort of thing. At dinner, father had asked whether I was familiar with DM School. "No", I had replied wondering at the abbreviations. Demonstration Multipurpose School I was informed. OK, so the name is impressive but I have my reservations.

Next thing I recall, I'm at a hall in DM School appearing in a written entrance test. That was the easy part. Now we go for viva.

My parents are determined that I should excel in viva. They offer a medley of possible Q & A while I stand gazing vacantly around me. The huge premises and building, endless corridors in so many directions, the school projected a distinct aura of vastness and mystery. One could easily get lost here. How many breaks do they have? Does the new Headmaster wield a cane like Good Ol' Saadiq at Stewart School? [I had once been in that dreaded room but that is another story...].

I snap back to reality. I realise they have been talking to me all this while and I haven't paid the least attention. "So what does your father do"? "He goes to the office". "Which office"? "The Forest Office", I reply confidently. "No, no, that won't do", Father says. "The correct response is -My father is a Government Servant in the Department of Forests." Yeah, right. But if I botch this one up and put the 'servant' part at the incorrect place, any other place, I'll be making a big bloomer. Got to mug this one up - and I start to fret.

We are hustled to the staging area, preparatory to my appearance in the Great Viva. It is being held in that big Teachers' Common Room, which we would be all so familiar with in the years to come. It's waiting time. There is a tight squeeze in the waiting area and an endless hum of subdued conversation. Somebody has spilt water in the middle and
people are intent on making a big mess out of it. Its fascinating to the point of distraction.
Some students look very solemn and sure-to-win studious while others are carelessly wandering about (hither and thither as one of our teachers used to put it - who, I don't remember). Me, I think I'm pretty much neutral. Am I really looking forward to joining this school?

Let's see - firstly, this school is huge with a double huge playground. If a school has a big playground, it must be having a number of games periods. Score 1 in favour. Secondly, the teachers don't seem stuffed and imperious. In fact, they have an easy-going attitude that conveys tolerance and sympathy. Good for the newcomer. Score 2 in favour. On the other hand, I recall Pinching Raju, my maths teacher at Stewart School and shudder at the prospect of attending his classes. Score 1 against SS. Moreover, the Mad House senior guys at SS are a reckless lot and I happen to be in the same House without much to justify good treatment from them. Score 2 against SS. Lastly, DMS is quite close to home. Maybe, my parents would get me that bike (bicycle) this year on this ground. Score 3 in favour.  The real clincher comes as a sudden realisation as I meander absent-mindedly through a morass of thought ranging from my friends at SS and to the final exams at DMS, which would be now due in March next year instead of Dec this year.

And, Whoa! This is it. At DMS we would be having our summer hols after a few days of class (wow- no tension summer) and then the double whammy of delayed Finals, deferred from Dec to March. This, then was the real deal and all I had to do was to perform well in the Viva and get that coveted seat. 

As my name is called out and I enter the Hall, the Government Servant Problem seemed too trifle a matter to dwell on. No problems now, bring on the questions. If I don't know the answer to something, there's always the cute-puppy look to fall back on and all will be well.
DM School, here I come.

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