Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The journey was eventful all through - Subhashis Panda

From the asbestos shed to the newly constructed block
Then a portion of the college and finally back to the main school
The journey was eventful all through
The variety of bathrooms and discovering new shortcuts
Getting my nasal cartilage broken on a desk during a fight with Satyajit...

Punished by RCM and eventually saved by Headu.
From getting patted on the cheek in the morn near the cycle stand
To getting whacked on the back of the head with a key-ringed hand
It was Headu ruling all the way
With Janda going simultaneously and Chakuli rubbing his nose
PN Panda’s “dahling” and “patring” to PN Mishra’s duster blaster
Kamia’s unique style of boxing the girls’ ears and BB Nayak’s arrangements
Blotting Geo ma'am’s saree with a leaky fountain pen as she taught adiabatic cooling
Breaking Sandhya ma'am’s brand new “sankha choodi”
A reflex action as she tried to slap me for no fault of mine
Getting caught by Vidyarthee while trying to steal amrut
And finally back to Headu, who again saved my day.

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