Saturday, October 24, 2020

Durga Puja and Dussehra Memoirs

Take 10 - Tamsa Mahapatra

Every year I eagerly wait for the arrival of Maa. The atmosphere becomes so blissful with sweet scent, sound of mantras and Dhol. For me, the first and foremost is to have a gorgeous new dress.

 My fondest memories are those of the Puja celebrations at our ashram in Puri. My parents and guruji, Sri Sri Satyananda Brahmachari used to do the Kumari maa sewa. Many Kumari Kanyas throng the ashram every morning. Then guruji washed their feet. My mother would apply alta, kumkum and chandan to the Kumari Maas. Then they would be seated in a line and offered prashad. The smell of bhoger khichudi was just irresistible. There would be a number of items to be served along with the khichdi. In the evening there would be the 'Dhunuchi dance' accompanied by dhaak. That was sheer magic! I felt like being transferred into another world. Simply mesmerizing!

 After Bijaya Dashami, a sense of emptiness would engulf my soul. My father would lift up my spirit by saying, "Maa has to go back to her abode as she has to take care of the world. Cheer up Dhania, she will come back next year."


  1. Written very lucidly, still enlivened the mystic (মিষ্টি k 😄) aura of Durga Puja days.

  2. 'Loved your memory, Tamsa! Do write more!

  3. So uniquely beautiful. Yes the heart aches for more!
