Friday, October 23, 2020

Durga Puja and Dussehra Memoirs

Take 7 - Som Patnaik

My most fond memories from childhood are the days of Durga Puja – days of joy, happiness, fun and gaiety. Nine days of good food, the most wonderful sweets, and being surrounded by festivities is what transpired as Goddess Durga resided with us. One of the things I cherish the most is how my brothers and I stayed away in the evenings to go around the different medhas in town and specially stop to listen to the melodies at the Cuttack pandals.

One distinct, favourite and humorous memory of almost every Puja season was sneaking into our home late at night after pandal-hopping and getting caught in the act by our father. His one-line remarks on our late returns still brings a broad smile to my face.

This was also that time of the year when we were indulged.... good food and new clothes. Durga Puja was a time of change, change of season, feelings, and everything seemed new. I miss those festivities that were full of simplicity.


  1. Girls didn’t do mandar brother did go out a lot.

  2. V well written. Yes that festivities and simplicity are lost

  3. Som! You are playing it safe! No badmaasi tales by you? Jokes apart, I enjoyed reading this peek into your memories of Durga Puja. Do share a couple of the 'one-liners' of your Dad. We want to smile too. :)

  4. It was only during festivals that my brothers were allowed to come home late at night and I now remember feeling really envious of them.
